Lauren Kimel Wise

Lauren Wise currently lives in Toronto with her family and overseas the Warren and Debbie Kimel Family Foundation. She is a mother of three and holds a Bachelor Degree from the University of Western Ontario and an Associate Degree from Parson’s The New School for Design in New York City.
Lauren has sat on numerous boards and committees, including being a member of the board of Baycrest’s Foundation, a leading research institute for brain health and development and center for the aging, located in Toronto. Within Baycrest, Lauren sits on committees for Brain Art and Games for Brains, both philanthropic initiatives she has been a part of since their inception. She is also currently a cabinet member for SickKids Hospital in Toronto, helping raise money for their capital campaign. She is also a member of the SickKids Innovators program, which raises funds for the most pressing needs of the hospital.
Lauren has co-chaired United Jewish Appeals young women’s division multiple times. She also co-chaired the Walk For Israel in 2011 and 2012, one of Toronto’s largest walks in support of the State of Israel, bringing out 15,000 Torontonians. Lauren is very passionate about health care for the young and old, especially brain health initiatives, education, and Jewish causes.